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Welcome to Loginbasico Emo

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LoginbasicoEmo Pro is a host server app designed to facilitate rapid development for applications requiring user login functionality and custom style. It includes features such as user roles, redirection, multi-language support, and more, making it ideal for creating flexible login systems with minimal setup.

It’s easy to create custom login systems and embed external pages.Register now to explore integration examples and get more information.


Role-based Access

Access control based on user roles with dynamic redirection to appropriate pages.

User Management

Comprehensive user management system to handle user accounts and permissions.

App Settings

Customize app settings including login template, global language, timezone, and more.

Design Customization

Modify CSS styles, upload custom fonts, manage animations, and change footer content.

Multi-language Support

Support for multiple languages.

Archive and Edit Designs

Archive your designs, edit them, and create new ones based on them.

SEO Optimization

Optimized for SEO and Open Graph (OG) to enhance visibility and social media integration.

PWA Compatibility

The application is a Progressive Web App (PWA), ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience across devices.


Easily view error logs from the control panel, making it simple to track and resolve issues.


Stay updated with notifications for new versions of the app, ensuring you always have the latest features and improvements.

Page Import Tool

Includes a little Tool to convert & import external index.hml pages.


Works well with nearly any external index.html file that you embed. In the demo, there are some examples created with VisualneoWeb and Bootstrap Studio.


Extend the functionality of your application by installing and managing plugins easily.


Secure your data by creating and managing backups efficiently with just one click.


LoginbasicoEmo pro (last)

  • Source Code
  • Optimized
  • Old Bugs Fixed
  • Includes New Features
  • Automatic/Manual Updates
  • Documentation
  • Backup Processes
  • Plugins Integration
  • For Testing in a Production Environment
  • MIT License
  • Version: (Last Public Release)


Endless Possibilities

Choose from 5 versatile templates, with the sidebar template ideal for creating a Single Page Application (SPA), allowing endless design possibilities for a distinct login experience.

Template 1
Template 2
Template 3
Template 4
Template 5
Template 6
Template 7
Template 8
Template 9
Template 10
Template 11
Template 12

Convert Utility

Convert almost any index.html file and include it in your project.

Image description

Create Your Own Plugins

Learn how to build custom plugins to enhance your experience or tailor the app to your needs.

This feature is currently in development

  • Plugins currently under testing:
  • • Auto_IP_Blocker
  • • Most_Active_User
  • • System_Health_Monitor
  • • Useful_Tools_Links
  • • Dog_Head_3D

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Disclaimer: Some of these testimonials are fictional and are provided as examples.

Loginbasicoemo pro Luis Hernández Testimonial
Luis Hernández


After trying the initial free version, I'm eagerly awaiting the Pro version. Seeing all the improvements and bug fixes on this site, I know it will be a game-changer!

Loginbasicoemo pro user 2
Trixie Belle


I had the opportunity to try the Pro version, and I can say it’s a great tool for rapid development. It saved us a lot of time and effort.

Loginbasicoemo pro user 3
Bambi Deerfield


Highly recommend LoginbasicoEmo Pro. It offers a seamless and reliable login experience with easy integration between external pages and the built-in API.

Supported by

Loginbasicoemo proCompany 1
Loginbasicoemo pro Company 2
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Loginbasicoemo pro Company 4

Your logo could be here

Disclaimer: These logos are fictional and are provided as examples.


Here's a timeline of the key milestones for the LoginBasico project:

  • June 24 - July 20, 2024:

    Release of LoginBasicoEMO Free for initial testing. This version, similar to an initial Alpha release, was made available as a proof of concept to explore potential functionalities and gather feedback for future improvements.

  • Late July 2024:

    Development of LoginBasicoEmo Pro kicks off. This version will prioritize adding advanced features, resolving issues, and making optimizations based on the feedback received from the LoginBasicoEMO Free testing phase.

  • September 2024:

    First test release of LoginBasicoEmo Pro. This version will be to test new functionalities such as backup, plugins and other major changes compared to the initial version.

  • Late October-November 2024:

    Planned first stable release of LoginBasicoEmo Pro. This version will offer advanced functionality and improvements, providing a more robust and user-friendly experience.

Stay tuned for updates as I continue to develop and enhance LoginBasicoEmo Pro.


How to contact me.


Loginbasicoemo pro is a free project that I work on as a hobby in my spare time.
If you find it useful, a small, occasional donation can help me keep it going.